
Running Injury Tips from Physiotherapists and Doctors in Downtown Toronto

Running Injury Tips from Physiotherapists and Doctors in Downtown Toronto

As a team of physiotherapists and doctors located in Downtown Toronto, we understand how frustrating running injuries can be. We aim to educate you on common running injuries and provide actionable tips to help you manage and prevent them.

Running injuries are a common issue faced by runners of all levels. According to a statement from Yale University, the average runner is at risk of encountering an injury for every 100 hours spent running. Due to the repetitive nature of running, many of these injuries are overuse injuries, particularly tendinopathies.


Common Running Injuries:

Achilles Tendinopathy


Achilles tendinopathy is a frequent issue among runners, categorized into two types:

  1. Mid Tendon Achilles Tendinopathy: Occurs above the bony bump of the heel, often due to training errors and overload.
  2. Insertional Achilles Tendinopathy: Occurs lower on the Achilles tendon, near the bone, and can coexist with bursitis.
Training Errors

Common training errors leading to Achilles tendinopathy include:

  • Sudden increases in running volume or speed.
  • Changes in footwear, such as switching from shoes with a thicker heel to flatter shoes.
  • Alterations in running gait, like transitioning to forefoot running, which increases load on the Achilles tendon.

For insertional Achilles tendinopathy:

  • Avoid dorsiflexion (pointing toes up) as it can press the tendon against the bone.
  • Use heel lifts and shoes with higher heel drops.
  • Tuli cups and donut pads can alleviate pressure on the heel.
Strengthening Tips
  • For insertional pain: Avoid calf raises with an extended range of motion. Focus on seated calf raises with high repetitions (15-25) to challenge the soleus muscle.
  • For mid tendon pain: Perform calf raises with a larger range of motion, allowing the heel to drop below the ball of the foot slowly.

Hamstring Tendinopathy

  • Place a rolled-up towel under the hamstrings when sitting to avoid compressing the tendon against the bone.
  • Avoid bending movements and hilly terrain to prevent placing the tendon in a compressive position.
Strengthening Tips
  • Hold a bodyweight single-leg hamstring curl for 45 seconds to 1 minute. Use both legs if too weak to get into position.
  • Isometrics for pain relief: Perform this motion 4-5 times with 45-second to 1-minute holds.
  • Gradually incorporate eccentric movements of slow lowering into the program.

Gluteal Tendinopathy


General overload combined with a hip drop, indicating poor hip control.

  • Avoid sleeping on the injured side to prevent additional pressure.
  • Sitting for prolonged periods can also cause irritation.
Strengthening Tips
  • Use isometrics to alleviate pain.
  • Perform side-lying leg raises, holding for 45 seconds to 1 minute, 5 times. Use a pillow between the legs to prevent excessive downward movement.
  • Step-ups and step-downs with good hip control. Use a band around the knee to prevent the knee from caving inwards.


By implementing these tips and modifications, runners in Downtown Toronto can better manage and prevent common injuries, ensuring a safer and more enjoyable running experience. If you’re dealing with running injuries, consider consulting with our experienced team of physiotherapists and doctors to develop a personalized treatment plan.

To better understand your strength deficits for running, try our self-assessment. You’ll receive a personalized report with actionable information tailored to your needs. Plus, you’ll have a chance to win great prizes from LiveActive.

Contact Us

For more information or to schedule an appointment, visit our clinic in Downtown Toronto or call us at 416 201 9777 or schedule online at here.